Scout-O Patrol Competition

Held each year on Sunday morning, 9:30AM-11:00AM

  • Goal: Find as many control markers as possible in the shortest time.
  • Return on time or lose points!


    • Youth compete in patrols or teams of two sizes, small (3 to 5 people) or large (5 to 8 people).
    • Larger troops divide into patrols of whatever size they prefer.
    • Each patrol needs a name and a leader. 
    • Adults may compete separately, as individuals or in adult-only patrols.


    • Controls may be visited in any order.
    • Each control has a letter. Use a crayon to write the letter on your punch card. This is your proof that you found the control.
    • During the competition, patrols may break into smaller groups of at least 2 youth to visit controls. Individual competitors are not allowed. 
    • Adults may accompany youth for safety but may not assist youth in locating controls.
    • All controls have the same value. Every control found earns your team one point.
    • Your group picks which controls to visit. See the strategy tips below.
    • The team with the greatest number of points at the end of 90 minutes will win their category. But beware! For every minute your team comes in after the 90 minute limit you lose one point


    By 8:45

    Turn in registration form
    Review rules
    Receive maps
    Race begins
    Race ends
    Bye – see you next year!


    Awards are given for each group size in each category and will be handed out soon after the finish of the event. Categories include: Boys’ Large, Boys’ Small, Girls’ Large, Girls’ Small, Coed Large, Coed Small, Adult Single, Adult Group.


    Consider the abilities within your patrol and group your members as appropriate. Save easier controls for novice orienteers. Look at the terrain and gauge the stamina and speed of your group(s). Fast runners may be able to sweep up a cluster of points to increase your team’s overall score.

    With large patrols (6-8 people) you can split up into smaller groups of at least two people to cover more ground and reach more control points. All groups need to be back at the finish, however, before you can hand in your score sheet. This can be problematic if you have one subgroup that is late getting back. It will cost you points if you reassemble after the 90 minute limit.

    Small patrols (3-5 people) may find few control points but they may be better organized and will be competing against other small groups. Plan your routes according to your strengths.

    Lastly, consider the mix of competitors in the event. Every category will have a winner and if your group is the only one in that category, you will earn the top spot!